Best way to break in 8 ball pool | Top 5 breaks in 8 ball pool

 Top 5 breaks in 8 ball pool 

Welcome back again guys, in this article I am going to show you the best breaks in 8 ball pool which can lead you to win the games easily.

Break in 8 ball pool is one of the most crucial stage if you do foul on break or inaccurate break then your chances of winning the game will be low. I see many people just slam the white ball on the first shot and they think that they will win the game this way but no you don't have to hope for the best! You have to be careful while breaking and making your first shot. If you pot 4-5 balls on the very first shot then you will be far ahead from your opponent in 8 ball pool game.

Advantage of break in 8 ball pool

Break allows the players to go for the first shot and you will have the choice to pick up the balls whether you want solids or strips it's all up to you. Now I am going to show you my top 5 breaks in 8 ball pool which will help you a lot while breaking in 8 ball pool.

1.) Basic break (new users break)

This is the most common break done by the beginners in 8 ball pool, all you have to do is just use any legendary cue or cue with good force and spin and hit the balls at full force.
Note:- In this break don't use any spin or use just upper spin and you have to hit straight.

2.) Advanced break used by pool masters

This break is the best break in 8 ball pool till now and I think most of the players uses this break. I can assure you that if you use this break then atleast one or two balls will get potted and the table will also get open and you will have a good chance to win the game.
This break can help you to denial the opponents without giving them a single chance to play.
Note:- you have to use only back spin while doing this break with full force.

3.) Intermediate break 

This break is also one of the finest breaks in 8 ball pool and I think it's the second best break.
In this break you have to use only upper left spin and you have to put the cue ball aim at the last brown ball.
Also make sure you use full force and use a cue with good aim and spin.

4.) Golden break for 9 ball

This break is used in 9 ball pool which is a special mode in 8 ball pool game. This break will help you to pot the 9 ball directly on the very first shot and you will win the game straight away. All you have to do is just use the left spin with full cue force and aim the cue ball like in the picture I attached below.
This break helped me a lot of times to win the 9 ball game on the first shot only.

5.) Beginner cue break in 8 ball pool 

This break is used in the 9 ball pool mode and it will help you to win the game on first shot only you don't have to play the other shots all you need to pot is the 9 ball only.
In this break you have to select the beginners cue first and then do the uppermost spin and put the aim of the cue on the first ball and aim straight make sure you don't tilt it.


  1. I was so bad at breaking but now that I saw these I win almost every round because of these breaks 🫡


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